Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is expected of all students in all their classes (including lectures, laboratories, tutorials, seminars, etc.). Students who are unavoidably absent because of illness or disability should report to their instructors on return to classes. Any request for academic concession must be clearly expressed. The attendance policy is as following:

  • 80% attendance for your entire scheduled program is required.
  • Lecture-based classes are pre-scheduled. Excused absences (i.e., absences with notification) can be made up with extra material or classroom notes.  Tutorials are not included as a makeup class.
  • Indicate an impending class absence by email or phone before the class starts if possible. [email protected].
  • Attendance requirements of your funding agency or IRCC for International students is determined by the agency and upheld at Swenam College based on the details of the letter of acceptance from Swenam College. There is no flexibility on this monitoring and reporting policy, and it supersedes any school policy.
  • Any absences must be considered to be unauthorized unless there is a valid reason.

In certain circumstances, the College must deem absences to be authorized. Absences may be authorized in advance when there is a good reason, such as the following:

  • A medical appointment which cannot be arranged outside of class hours.
  • A religious holiday and Graduation days.
  • A visit to a university either to attend an open day or for an interview.
  • A career-related interview.
  • A Practicum placement.
  • Participating in a significant extra-curricular activity (i.e., taking part in a regional or national event).
  • Attendance at a funeral.
  • Severe disruption to a student’s mode of transport as a result of industrial dispute or adverse climatic conditions whereby there is no practical way of getting to the College campus.
  • An approved study-leave.

The following non-exhaustive list of reasons for absence must be unacceptable:

  • Personal vacations.
  • Part-time employment (excluding Practicum placement).
  • Leisure activities.
  • Birthdays

The consequences for students who do not meet the minimum attendance requirements listed above are as follows:

  • Students who do not achieve the required attendance, as stated in the Attendance Policy, are subject to expulsion.

The process by which students must report an absence is as follows:

  • Student should email the instructor if they need to miss a class, or, if they cannot contact their instructor, they should contact students services office to report an absence; if their absence is not avoidable, it may not count against them.
  • Inform your instructor as soon as possible to arrange alternative ways to successfully complete your program.
  • Provide a doctor’s note if you were sick.
  • Provide evidence of important appointments such as job interviews and immigration hearings.
  • Your instructor will provide you with materials from the class(es) you missed.
  • If you miss classes in a diploma program, you must make up the work to pass.
  • You may be required to repeat courses or attend tutorials at an additional cost for significant absences (e.g., more than one day per week in a diploma program).
Respectful and Fair Treatment of Students Policy
  • The policy applies to all Swenam College students who are currently enrolled students in all Programs and courses. Concerns related to a student’s conduct shall be referred to the Director of Student Services or College President to process in accordance with this Policy. All communication related to this policy will be in writing and a copy will be placed in student file.
  • Swenam College is committed to ensuring that its learning environment promotes the respectful and fair treatment of all students. Swenam College is committed to ensuring that all members of the College community; students, faculty, staff, and visitors, are able to study and work in an environment of tolerance and mutual respect that is free from harassment and discrimination. Swenam is committed to providing accessible, usable, discrimination free and welcoming spaces for all people. Our core values are built around Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. It is the responsibility of each of us to continually educate ourselves and to self-reflect about how we can better understand the complex issues that impact diversity, equity, and inclusion. Inclusion will be our major key to supporting positive environment among our students, staff, and faculty.

While on Swenam College premises or in the course of activities or events hosted by Swenam College the following activities are prohibited:

  • Bullying, insulting, taunting, or ostracizing.
  • Malicious gestures or actions.
  • Behaviour that frightens, belittles, or degrades.
  • Persistent unjustified threats of discipline or sanctions.
  • Constant unjustified criticism.
  • Yelling and shouting.
  • Damaging or interfering with another’s property or equipment.

Students have the right to register a complaint against any college policy or administrative process alleged to be unfair, or against any individual whose actions are alleged to interfere unduly with a student’s reasonable and legitimate access to services or participation in appropriate college-related activities, in so far as the complaint is not more appropriately addressed by other college policies or procedures.

  • Students will not be subject to any form of retaliation as a result of filing a complaint.
  • You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:
    1. Swenam College ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program.
    2. you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

  • If under any circumstances, a prohibited activity occurs, the following outlines the process for addressing the activity: Procedure:
  • Any conduct contrary to the respectful and fair treatment policy shall be reported to the Director of Student Services or College President in writing.
  • The Director of Student Services or College President will discuss the matter with the student within SEVEN business days of receiving a complaint.
  • The Director of Student Services or College President can warrant the immediate dismissal of the student in case of the serious nature of the issue.
  • Further, the Director of Student Services or College President will arrange a meeting with the student without any further delay.
  • The Director of Student Services or College President will determine whether concerns are substantiated after further inquiry within SEVEN business days of the initial meeting with the student.
  • After meeting the student, the Director of Student Services or College President will determine:
    • That the concern(s) were not substantiated; or
    • That the concern(s) were substantiated, in whole or in part, and either:
      • Give the student a warning setting out the penalty for further misconduct; or
      • Set a probationary period with appropriate conditions; or
      • Advise that the student must be dismissed from the college.
    • The Director of Student Services or College President will provide a copy of the written determination to the student and the original will be placed in the student file.
    • Both the Director of Student Services or College President and the student will sign the written warning or probation conditions in case of probation or warning given to the student. The original document will be placed in the student’s file and a copy will be provided to the student.
    • The Director of Student Services or College President will meet the student to deliver a letter of dismissal if it was advised to dismiss the student. Further, the Director of Student Services or College President will provide the student the calculation of refund due or tuition owing (if applicable).
      • If a refund is due, the refund will be granted to the student within 30 days of dismissal.
      • If the student owes tuition fees to the college, the Director of Student Services or College President will undertake the collection of the amount owing.
    • All the concerned staff members and instructors would be informed regarding the decision and all the records related to the issue will be kept in the student’s file.
    • Lastly, if required a complaint can be filed to a concerned law enforcement agency of the BC.
Grade Appeal Policy
  • Swenam College (“the College”) has the right to determine the nature and components of course offerings, the type and method of evaluations, and the standards which must be met by students. The College acknowledges that the evaluation of the work of a student is part of the professional responsibility of faculty members and other staff who are responsible for grading a student’s academic performance.
  • Students have the right to know the academic standards of the course and how their academic performance will be evaluated. Faculty members and other staff who are responsible for grading a student’s academic performance are expected to make available at the start of each course the evaluation components (i.e., types and weighting of assignments, essays, tests, examinations, etc.) regardless of delivery mode.
  • The purpose of this policy is to establish the parameters of and the procedures for students who wish to appeal a grade. The College encourages and supports open communication as the best means to resolve a concern about a grade.

Grounds for a Grade Appeal

A student may appeal a grade received in a course. Appeals are limited to the following grounds:

  • A clerical error has resulted in a miscalculation of the grade.
  • The grade awarded did not reflect fairly the student’s academic performance and/or the stated requirements for the course.
  • Grade appeals may not be based on a complaint that the nature and standard of evaluation was too onerous.

The process by which a student may appeal a grade received in a course at Swenam College is as follows:

Procedure of Appeal:

  • Appeals of grades may be brought forward during the course or after the final grade has been released.
  • Appeals of grades on assignments, tests, placements or examinations must be made within seven (7) business days of the release of the grade.
  • Grade Appeals may be done either informally or formally as follows:

Informal Grade Appeal Process

  • Students should first attempt to resolve the grade appeal informally by arranging a meeting with the instructor to review the grade. Only when it cannot be resolved directly with the instructor, should the formal appeal procedures be followed.

Formal Grade Appeal Process:

  • In cases where an agreement cannot be reached by the student and the instructor directly, a formal grade appeals should be initiated in writing to the Program Coordinator of the College by completing the Grade Appeals Form within seven (7) business days of the release of the grade.
  • With the submission, the student must entail the reasons they feel the grade did not reflect fairly on their academic performance. The Program Coordinator or designate will arrange to meet together with the faculty member and student.
  • In advance of this meeting, the faculty member and student will submit to the Program Coordinator all relevant documents including course outlines, examinations, assignments, reports, papers, as well as other documents identified as relevant to the student’s grade.
  • At the meeting, the Program Coordinator will give the student and faculty member access to all documents submitted, while ensuring the privacy of the academic records of other students.
  • The program coordinator will review the documentation provided and can either explore solutions presented by either party during the meeting or propose alternate solutions; or request assistance, such as re-assessment by another faculty member in appraisal of a document; or find that no grounds have been presented that warrants a change in grade.
  • Within seven (7) business days of the meeting, the Program Coordinator will prepare a written decision on the appeal, notifying the student and faculty member of the decision. The decision may be to retain, to raise, or to lower the student’s grade or other appropriate action. Substantial and convincing evidence must be shown for the grade to be changed. Where appropriate, the program coordinator is responsible for informing Enrolment Services.
  • Where the student wishes to appeal the decision of the Program Coordinator, the appeal must be in writing and must be submitted to the President of the College within seven (7) business days of the decision by the Program Coordinator. The student must provide a compelling argument as to why they are challenging the decision of the Program Coordinator. The Program Coordinator will forward all relevant documents to the College President.
  • The President will review the process followed and the decision assigned by the Program Coordinator, and may dismiss, set aside, vary or uphold the decision.
  • It is at the discretion of the President whether to meet with the Program Coordinator, the student, and the faculty member prior to making the decision. The decision of the President is final and binding.
  • The student will be notified of the President’s decision in writing within seven (7) business days of the decision, with copy to the faculty member and the Program Coordinator.
Sexual Misconduct Policy
  1. Swenam College is committed to the prevention of and appropriate response to sexual misconduct.
  2. Swenam College takes all disclosures, complaints, and reports of sexual misconduct seriously and will respond to them thoroughly and expeditiously, providing appropriate accommodations to the victim/survivor as needed.
  3. Sexual misconduct refers to a spectrum of non-consensual sexual contact and behaviour including the following:
    • sexual assault, which is any form of sexual touching or the threat, express or implied, of sexual touching without the individual’s Consent;
    • sexual exploitation actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, power, or trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially, or politically from the sexual exploitation of another;
    • sexual harassment, which is unwelcome conduct, by comment or gesture, of a sexual nature that detrimentally affects the working, learning, or living environment, or leads to adverse consequences for the individual directly subjected to the harassment;
    • stalking and cyberstalking (stalking through the use of the internet or other electronic means), which is engaging in unwelcome conduct expressed or implied, that causes an individual to fear for their physical or psychological safety, and includes repeatedly following the individual, repeatedly communicating with the individual through any means, engaging in threatening conduct, or keeping watch over the place where the individual happens to be;
    • indecent exposure which is exposing one’s body to another individual either physically or electronically, or through any other means, for a sexual purpose without the individual’s consent, or coercing another individual to remove their clothing in order to expose their body;
    • voyeurism, which is non‐consensual viewing, photographing, or otherwise recording another individual in a location where there is an expectation of privacy and where the viewing, photographing, or recording is done for a sexual purpose;
    • the distribution of a sexually explicit photograph or video of a person to one or more persons other than the person in the photograph or video without the consent of the person in the photograph or video and with the intent to distress the person in the photograph or video;
    • the attempt to commit an act of sexual misconduct; and
    • the threat to commit an act of sexual misconduct.
  4. “Consent” is the active, voluntary agreement to engage, and to continue to engage, in the sexual activity in question. Further information about Consent is provided in this Policy.
  5. A Complaint of sexual misconduct is different than a Report of sexual misconduct. A Complaint is when the victim/survivor discloses or chooses to tell someone at the institution of an incident of sexual misconduct in order to seek support, but may not want to make a formal report to police or the institution. A Report is a formal notification of an incident of sexual misconduct to someone at the institution accompanied by a request for action. A Report does not have to be made by the victim/survivor.
  6. A student making a Complaint will be provided with resolution options and, if appropriate, accommodation, and will not be required or pressured to make a Report.
  7. Jurisdiction to Investigate: Swenam College’s Jurisdiction to Investigate is determined by the Director of Investigations and is limited by the following:
  • The allegations must be against an individual who was a Member of the Swenam College Community at the time of the alleged Sexual Misconduct and at the time the Report is submitted;
  • The alleged conduct must fall within the definition of Sexual Misconduct; and
  • The alleged conduct must have occurred in a context that has a real and substantial connection to Swenam College. Whether a real and substantial connection to Swenam College exists will be considered on the particular circumstances of each Report.
  1. “Members of the Swenam College Community” are individuals who fall under one or more of the following categories:
  • student, defined as any person, including co‐op and exchange students, registered, or enrolled in any component of a for‐credit academic or training program or course at Swenam College;
  • employees, defined as individuals employed by Swenam College, including faculty and staff members;
  • emeriti, volunteers engaged in a Swenam College activity, or other individuals acting on behalf of Swenam College;
  • Teaching Staff Members;
  • any individual active on any Swenam College committee or review panel; and
  • anyone contractually obligated to comply with this Policy.
  1. A student making a complaint of sexual misconduct will be provided with resolution options and, if appropriate, accommodation, and will not be required or pressured to make a report.
  2. It is contrary to this policy for Swenam College to retaliate, engage in reprisals or threaten to retaliate in relation to a Complaint or a Report.
  3. Any processes undertaken pursuant to this policy will be based on the principles of administrative fairness. All parties involved will be treated with dignity and respect.
  4. All information related to a Complaint or Report is confidential and will not be shared without the written consent of the parties, subject to the following exceptions:
  • If an individual is at imminent risk of severe or life-threatening self-harm
  • If an individual is at imminent risk of harming another
  • There are reasonable grounds to believe that others in the institutional community may be at significant risk of harm based on the information provided
  • Where reporting is required by law
  • Where it is necessary to ensure procedural fairness in an investigation or other response to a Complaint or Report.
  1. The process for making a Complaint about sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:
  • A complaint about sexual misconduct involving a student should be directed to the Senior Education Administrator, Dr. Walid Abdelmagid, [email protected], 778-951-3811.
  • The alternate contact, in his absence, will be Dr. Anne Thomas, [email protected], 778-951-3811.
  1. The process for responding to a Complaint of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:
  • Swenam College will acknowledge receipt of the Complaint within TWO business days
  • The Senior Educational Administrator, or alternate, will meet with the student within THREE business days and provide information and support as the situation demands.
  • If accommodations are required for the safety and security of the student, these will be implemented as much as possible.
  • If the student needs third-party support and assistance, the college will assist with accessing those resources.
  1. The process for making a Report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:
  • A Report about sexual misconduct involving a student should be directed to the Senior Education Administrator, Dr. Walid Abdelmagid, [email protected], 778-951-3811.
  • The alternate contact, in his absence, will be Dr. Anne Thomas, [email protected], 778-951-3811.
  1. The process for responding to a Report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:
  • Swenam College will acknowledge receipt of the Report within TWO business days.
  • Upon receiving a written report of sexual misconduct, the Senior Educational Administrator, or the alternate, will:
    • Notify the person providing the report that a response to the report is in progress.
    • Meet with the student, or the person making the report within THREE business days to offer support and to determine what actions, enquiries or investigations may be necessary.
  • If accommodations are required for the safety and security of the student, these will be implemented as much as possible. These may include:
    • Transfer of a student to a different class
    • Rescheduling, deferral of assignments or tests
    • If the alleged perpetrator or the victim/survivor is an employee, administrative leave, or work from home or other interim measures may be taken during an investigation.
  • Except in circumstances where there is a serious safety risk to others, and/or the college has a legal obligation to act, the victim/survivor will be the one to determine what, if any, police reporting actions to pursue.
  • Any investigations will be conducted with sensitivity and discretion. Swenam College is not mandated to make criminal investigations; however, it does have the responsibility to ensure a safe environment, regardless of whether a criminal investigation is undertaken.
  • The person making the report may withdraw the report, but Swenam College may continue to act on the matter if it is deemed necessary to protect students.
  • Depending upon the nature of the report, if it is determined that a third party or outside agent should investigate, this will be arranged as quickly as possible.
  • A written Response to the Report will be provided to the student within 30 days of receipt of the written complaint.
  • Swenam College will implement any actions or corrective measures recommended in the Response to the Report.
  • In all instances the Swenam College will:
    • Ensure the safety of the victim/survivor.
    • As appropriate, provide emergency numbers for on and off campus security (if applicable), law enforcement, medical assistance, mental health services, and other services.
    • Respect the right of the individual to choose the services they consider most appropriate.

This institution is certified by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB). Certified institutions must comply with regulatory requirements, including the requirement to have a Sexual Misconduct policy. For more information about PTIB, go to    

Dismissal Policy

This policy applies to all students enrolled at Swenam College, all individuals employed by Swenam College, and any other individuals acting as representatives, or hold a titular position, of Swenam College. Students are expected to meet and adhere to the Code of Conduct set out in this policy while completing a program of study at Swenam College. If necessary, students should request clarification from the Director of Student Services. In certain circumstances, it may become necessary to dismiss a student from a Program or Course. The dismissal must take place in an orderly fashion and if applicable, a refund of monies may be made to the dismissed student.

Code of Conduct:

While on Swenam College premises or in the course of activities or events hosted by Swenam College students:

  • Must comply with all applicable Swenam College policies, including the Attendance Policy.
  • Must treat all students and staff with respect and must not engage in physically aggressive, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or otherwise offensive behaviour.
  • Must not steal, misuse, destroy or deface Swenam College property.
  • Must not consume, possess, or distribute alcohol or controlled or restricted substances. Students who are found under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol or carrying weapons will be subject to immediate expulsion.
  • Must not contravene any provision of the Canadian Criminal Code or any other federal, provincial, or municipal statute or regulation.

Students who violate the Code of Conduct will be subject to the procedures and discipline outlined below, which may include immediate dismissal from the institution.

Swenam College may dismiss a student from a program on any of the following grounds:

Academic Dishonesty:

Students may be subject to expulsion at the discretion of Swenam College for academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is any behaviour (word, action, or deed) performed alone, or with others, for the direct or indirect intention of providing an unfair advantage or benefit to oneself or other student(s). This may include (but is not limited to):

Cheating, Plagiarism, Unapproved collaboration, Alteration of records or data, Bribery and Misrepresentations.

Outstanding Fees:

Students who fail to remit outstanding fees may be expelled or suspended after written warning has been provided by the institution, and if the student fails to comply within the stated parameters.

Academic Failure:

Students who fail to achieve the required academic standing in their programs may be expelled from the program. Swenam College may, at its discretion, offer alternatives to a student.


Students who do not achieve the required attendance, as stated in the Attendance Policy, are subject to expulsion.

Endangerment to Staff or Students:

Swenam College is committed to the right of all staff, students, clients, and visitors to safety. Students who, by action or neglect, endanger the safety of themselves or others in any way may be expelled.

The process by which a student may be dismissed from a program is as follows:

  1. All concerns relating to student misconduct shall be directed to the College President. Concerns may be brought by staff, students, or the public.
  2. The College President will arrange to meet with the student to discuss the concern(s) within seven (7) business days of receiving the complaint. If the alleged conduct is of such a serious nature that an immediate dismissal may be warranted, the College President will meet with the student as soon as is reasonably possible.
  3. Following the meeting with the student, the College President will conduct whatever further enquiry or investigation is necessary to determine whether the concerns are substantiated.
  4. Any necessary inquiries or investigations shall be completed within seven (7) business days of the initial meeting with the student.
  5. The College President will meet with the student and do one of the following:
    • Determine that the concern(s) were unsubstantiated.
    • Determine that the concern(s) were substantiated, in whole or in part, and either:
  • Give the student a warning setting out the consequences of further misconduct.
  • Set a probationary period with appropriate conditions; or
  • Recommend that the student be dismissed from Swenam College
  1. The College President will prepare a written summary of the determination. A copy shall be given to the student, and the original will be placed in the student file.
  2. If the student is issued a warning or placed on probation, the College President and the student will both sign the written warning or probationary conditions, and the student will be given a copy. NOTE: The original document will be placed in the student’s file.
  3. If the recommendation is to dismiss the student, two members of the advisory board, other than the College President, must review the recommendation and accept or reject it. If the recommendation is accepted by the two members of the board, the College President will meet with the student to dismiss him/her from study at the institution. The President of the institution will deliver to the student a letter of dismissal and a calculation of refund due or tuition owing. If the recommendation is rejected by the two board members, the College President will follow steps 5 through 7, above.
  4. If a refund is due to the student, the college will ensure that a refund is forwarded to the student within 30 days of the dismissal.
  5. If the student owes tuition or other fees to the institution, the college will undertake collection of the amount owing.
  6. Students who are subject to expulsion for any reason will be notified in writing, either hand delivered or by registered mail with a return receipt. Swenam College is not responsible for non-delivery by registered mail if the student has not provided a valid home address.
Dispute Resolution Policy
  1. This policy governs complaints from Students respecting Swenam College and any aspect of its operations.
  2. Students will not be subject to any form of retaliation as a result of filing a complaint.
  3. Students have the right to register a complaint against any college policy or administrative process alleged to be unfair, or against any individual whose actions are alleged to interfere unduly with a student’s reasonable and legitimate access to services or participation in appropriate college-related activities, in so far as the complaint is not more appropriately addressed by other college policies or procedures.
  4. All Students complaints must be in writing.
  5. Students must provide the written complaint to the Director of Student Services who is responsible for making determinations in respect of complaints. If the Director of Student Services is absent or is named in a complaint, the student must provide the complaint to the College President.
  6. The student making the complaint may be represented by an agent or a lawyer.
  7. If the student is or was enrolled in an approved program, is dissatisfied with the determination, and has been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of that program, he or she may file a complaint with the Private Training Institutions Branch (


If under any circumstances, a prohibited activity occurs, the following outlines the process for addressing the activity:

  • Students who believe they have been harassed or have been the subject of discrimination are encouraged to raise the concern directly with the individual responsible for the alleged misconduct, make it known that the conduct or comment is unwelcomed and that they wish it to stop immediately. Students are further encouraged to keep a detailed record of the alleged harassment or discrimination, including dates, times, locations, and witnesses.
  • Students may choose not to approach the individual responsible for the alleged misconduct directly if they feel this may be difficult or inappropriate. In these situations, complainants are encouraged to act as outlined below:
  • Informal Resolution: Students are encouraged to speak directly with the individual responsible for the alleged misconduct or responsible for the situation that is the cause of the complaint. If this communication does not lead to a resolution, or such a discussion is not deemed appropriate, the student may register an informal complaint or file a formal written complaint.
  • Informal Complaints: If a Student believes that there is justification to complain about an unfair college policy, administrative process or individual behaviour but is uncertain where to go to seek support or redress, the Student should contact the Director of Student Services for advice, or the College President if the Director of Student Services is absent or is named in a complaint. Normally, Students are encouraged to seek an informal resolution of the complaint by meeting with the individual most directly involved in the complaint. The Student may be accompanied by an attendant at any meeting(s). If it is not possible to address the complaint in this manner, or if the informal discussion does not resolve the matter, the student should discuss the complaint with the Director of Student Services, or the College President if the Director of Student Services is absent or is named in a complaint, who may meet with the respective parties, interview others, and review pertinent documentation prior to recommending a resolution.
  • Formal Complaints: If the complaint remains unresolved, the student may submit a Student Complaint Form to the Director of Student Services, or the College President if the Director of Student Services is absent or is named in a complaint, outlining the basis for the complaint, any supporting information, and the remedy being sought. Normally, student complaints must be filed within ten (10) working days of the incident, with day one being the first working day after the incident or informal decision. The Director of Student Services will submit the complaint to the College President. Once all required documentation is received, the Director of Student Services will submit the file to the decision-maker(s) within three (3) working days. The decision-maker(s) will inform the Director of Student Services of their decision within fifteen (15) working days, and the Director of Student Services will inform the party(s) of the outcome and allowable grounds for appeal within three (3) working days of the decision. The Director of Student Services will place the report on file, and, if applicable, monitor the fulfillment of any conditional sanctions.
Student Statement of Rights

Swenam College is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

Before you enroll at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

  • amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program
  • refund policy
  • if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided
  • whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing.  The institution must provide you with a signed copy.  

You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

  • your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program
  • you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:

Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Swenam College is aiming to provide a community that students would feel safe to belong to, a community that inspires students to grow and be themselves by sharing messages of inclusion, integration, and friendship. Through inspired and innovative learning, we help our students on their journey towards achieving lifetime ambitions, irrespective of background.

 At Swenam, we know that we need to continue to be better educated and develop a deeper understanding with respect to the principles and practices of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Swenam is committed to providing accessible, usable, discrimination free and welcoming spaces for all people. Our core values are built around Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. These values are the key to achieving the best learning, working, and living environments for everyone who is or will be part of the Swenam Community. This is demonstrated in the ways in which we work and learn together, including becoming knowledgeable and fighting against racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, able-ism, and discrimination. It is the responsibility of each of us to continually educate ourselves and to self-reflect about how we can all better understand the complex issues that impact diversity, equity and inclusion.

Inclusion will be our major key to supporting positive environment among our students, staff, and faculty. Swenam College is committed to fostering a learning environment that is conducive to the personal, educational, and social development of its students.

Today’s Learners are our Future Leaders. At Swenam College … Your Future Begins